God's Goodness Available



Our longing is to see more heaven on earth!

IMI Church is a community made up of different people of all ages and life situations.

There's room for you here and we'd love to get to know you! 


CURIOUS IN FAITH?Join UsLife in the church
Green circle with the letters RE:Jesus over it
A call to re-center our lives on Christ so that we can become a people who sound like, look like, do and think like Jesus.
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Hanne Therese Loftesnes

It's so easy to write something terribly boring about celebration. But that would be completely wrong!

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What's going on in IMI Church?

Worship Service

We meet for worship every Sunday at 11:00 and 18:00

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Life in the church

You will find IMI Church at Tjensvoll in Stavanger. We also have church plants in Tananger and Oslo.
Feel free to visit us - wherever you are!

Gunnar Warebergsgate 15, 4021 Stavanger

Children (0-6 years)

The first years of life are also the years when the most important connection occurs. We want to facilitate the experience of healthy and safe attachment to parents, the church and God. In IMI, they are allowed be themselves: laugh and cry, joke and hustle, worship and express themselves, learn about God, and get to know Him. On the whole: explore the world, who God is and who he has created them to be. Here you can read about the various venues that are adapted for the children of this age group.

Yellow group (0-3 years)

During Sunday's services at 11:00am, we have a separate arena for the very youngest, where they can be in a playroom together with a parent. Here we make arrangements for the youngest children to get to know God through Bible stories, singing, prayer and play. For the first half hour of the service, we are together with the rest of the congregation before we go outside to be a bit to ourselves. It lasts until 12:45pm. We have changing rooms.

Purple group (4 years - even the last year in kindergarten)

During the Sunday services at 11:00am, this group meets for Bible reading, prayer and games. Here we make it possible for them to get to know God and develop a relationship with him. Children in the Purple group can have an adult with them, but if the child feels safe enough, is independent and works in the group, the child can be without parents. For the first half hour of the service, we are together with the rest of the congregation before we go outside to be a bit to ourselves. It lasts until 12:45pm.

IMI Open Kindergarten

IMI Churches Open Kindergarten is a Christian kindergarten offer for preschoolers (0-6 years) accompanied by an adult. You do not need to apply for space for the child/children, but the children are registered at the attendance. Users can come and go as they please within kindergarten opening hours.

Opening hours are Monday-Thursday from 09:30 to 13:30, and we follow the school route holidays. The offer is free. Every day we have a song collection at 10.45am with a joint lunch after the gathering, so bring lunch and drinks. We have coffee, tea and water. Wednesdays at noon, there's a baby song. Thursdays we have Junior Club at 12.00 for those over 2.5 years. Welcome to play and fun!

Contact information/contact information:

The kindergarten can be contacted at IMI church/ Contact us at IMI Church: 51842160.

Mail: barnehagen@imikirken.no

Visit us on Facebook

Address: Gunnar Warebergs gate 15, 4021 STAVANGER

Our entrance is located on the right side behind the Scandic Forum hotel at Tjensvollkrysset/ Our entrance is located on the right side behind the Scandic Forum hotel near Tjensvollkrysset

Download documents

Annual Calendar 2020-2021

Annual Calendar 2020-2021

Articles of Association IMI Open Kindergarten


Baptism is one of the most beautiful things that happens in the church. In baptism, God receives us, makes us His children, and invites us into His kingdom. It is not based on what we have done or whether we are good enough, believe enough or want it enough, but it is an invitation we receive from He who loves us and welcomes us as we are.

If you register yourself or your child up to be baptized, you will be invited to a baptismal conversation where you will learn more about what baptism entails. Here you will also get practical information and care on how we practice baptism in the IMI Church.  

Everyone is welcome to sign up for baptism, regardless of age, background, ecclesiastical affiliation or membership. We practice baptism on Lutheran grounds and faith, with full immersion. We baptize children, youth, and adults who have not been baptized before.

Registration and dates for baptism can be found by clicking here.

Children (6-9 years)

It's about the kids. About giving them the best we have. We know that children have a great capacity to understand, accept, and pass on — often greater than we think. We do not believe that there is a mini-edition of faith, God, and the Holy Spirit for the children—but that God is the same, regardless of age, and that He meets the children on the children's terms. We want to do that too. Here you can read about the various venues that are adapted for the children of this age group.

Orange group (1st and 2nd grade)

During Sunday's services at 11:00am, 1st and 2nd class meet in the orange group. We focus on sharing Bible stories, prayer and playing together. Here we make it possible for them to get to know God and develop a relationship with him. In this group, the children are usually without parents, but they can also join if the child wishes. In the Chili groups, the children have a collection that is about the Bible story they saw inside the hall. They also have games, various activities and get something to eat. For the first half hour of the service, we are together with the rest of the congregation before we go outside to be a bit to ourselves. It lasts until 12:45pm.

Green group (3rd - 4th grade)

During Sunday's church services at 11:00am, those in 3rd-4th grade meet at
primary school (approx. 8-9 years). In the Chili groups, the children have a collection that is about the Bible story they saw inside the hall. They also have games, various activities and get something to eat. Here we make it possible for them to get to know God and develop a relationship to him. In this group, the children are usually without parents, but they can also join if the child wishes. For the first half hour of the service, we are together with the rest of the congregation before we go outside to be a bit to ourselves. It lasts until 12:45pm.

Groups of friends

From 1st-3rd grade we have started up groups of friends so that the children can get to know each other better. The children are divided into pure girls and boys groups at their age. They meet in the homes of each other on the first odd-numbered Friday of the month from 17:30 to 19:00. The groups of friends are on par with the gangs parent-driven. We eat food, share faith and play together.

Contact: eirin@imikirken.no


From 4-8th grade we want to facilitate children to meet together in the homes of parents. We divide into cohorts and meet every other Friday. Here it is some food and snacks, we share faith, stories and pray together. In addition to a good deal of "fun and games."  

KF Skolen Stavanger

It is a Christian primary school (1st-10th grade) located at Kampen in Stavanger. We want to educate and form children and young people in a way that makes them ready for the future – both for their own part and to have meaning where they are. KF school stands for "Christian Free school", and has a Christian values base. Read more about school and stories from there on their website: kfskolen.no

NonStop Children's Choir

The children's choir NonStop is for all children in grades 1-5. We rehearse every other Wednesday from 17:30-19:00 in the basement of IMI Church. The rehearsals start with singing, then we have a devotional before we finally eat supper together. You are super welcome!

Contact: hanne.blychert@gmail.com

Tweens (10-14 years)

We know that already at this age, many conscious and unconscious choices are made that have crucial consequences for the rest of their lives. Maybe scary for some? But it's also a huge opportunity. We want tweens to meet God as He is, himself as they are created and see other people as they are created. This provides a safe foundation heading into adolescence. Here you can read about the different areas that are arranged for this age group.

PULSE (5th - 7th grade)

PULSE is Sunday service for 5th-7th graders. We meet Sundays in the youth hall at 10:00. 11.00-12.45. Here we have activity groups, have something good to eat, and here we want we to get to know each other better and God. From 8th grade you can join JOIN's church service community at 6 p.m. Read more under youth.


From 4th-7th grade, we want to facilitate children meeting together at each other's house. We divide into cohorts and meet every other Friday in odd-numbered weeks. Here there is some food and snacks, we share faith, stories and pray together. In addition to a good deal of "fun and games." The squads are parent driven and members of the IMI squad and PULS can hook up.

Soul Children Stavanger

Do you love music or do you like to sing? Stavanger Soul Children is a choir that focuses on singing and music, and social and spiritual community. We are a group of 40 children and teenagers from the Stavanger area, and sing original written and arranged music that has elements from pop, rock, soul, RnB and gospel. 

We have rehearsals in the basement of IMI on Wednesdays at 18:00-19:45 and participate in events and concerts.

Stavanger Soul kids - 5 years to 4th grade 17:30-18:30

Stavanger Soul Betweens - 5th - 7th grade 18:00-19:45

Stavanger Soul Teens 8am through 3pm. High School 18.00-19.45


Questions and booking? 


As of January 2021, the choir is not in operation.

KF Skolen Stavanger

Is a Christian primary school (1st-10th grade) located at Kampen in Stavanger. We want to educate and form children and young people in a way that makes them ready for the future – both for their own part and to have an impact where they are. KF school stands for "Christian free school", and has a Christian values base. Read more about the school and the stories from there on their website: kfskolen.no

Youth (13-19 years)

IMI Church's youth work is called JOIN and we want you to JOIN us! Our vision is that young people in the Stavanger region will understand how valuable they are and what potential they are created with as followers of Jesus. We are committed to worshipping God, laughing together, making a difference to others, shaping the youth culture we are a part of and doing fun things together. Follow us on Instagram or join Spond to find out what's happening. Spond code: NASYE
Feel free to contact us at sigvart@imikirken.no

Here you can read about the different arenas where young people meet in IMI.

Confirmation (K1)

During the time as a confirmant, many important choices are made, and we want to contribute to and give the confirmands the best. Our goal is for the confirmants to experience that being confirmed in IMI church is a good combination of a safe community, good role models and Jesus. The confirmants meet on Thursdays at 7-9pm for teaching, discipleship groups, socializing and supper. In addition, we travel on the autumn weekend and participate in Impuls.

You don't have to be a member of the IMI Church to confirm with us, and several of our confirmants are not members. Several start the year without knowing anyone. Here you can come as you are, regardless of faith and church background. However, the confirmation is a confirmation of baptism, and requires that the confirmant is baptized before the confirmation day. If this presents challenges, please contact us for a good dialogue about this. 

Many choose to continue in the second year as a confirmant student (K2), K3, K4 and K5. So the community continues after confirmation. Read more about this under the category "K2-K5".

NB! We have a limited number of places to 50.

Confirmation Service 2024 is Saturday, May 11 at 11:00 am

Confirmation Service 2025 is Saturday, May 10 at 11:00 am

Confirmation Service 2026 is Saturday, May 9 at 11:00 am

Confirmation Service 2027 is Saturday, May 8 at 11:00 am

Pre-K and K2-K5

When we restarted our confirmation work in 2012, the confirmants requested a continuation after the year was over. It was easy to say yes - and thus K2 was started. The following year came K3, then K4 and K5, and in the spring of 2018 we started pre-K for 8th grade. Some of the same principles for the confirmation year is based on Pre-K and K2-K5. The community may be a little longer closer and safer - and the content grows with age. We meet on Thursday at 19-21 in IMI Church for disciple groups, input and social. Trips are also arranged for these Ks.

Pre-K: Is for those who are of age with those who go to 8th grade or know someone who does
K2: Is for those who are of age with those who go to 10th grade or know someone who does
K3: Is for those who are of age with those who go to 1st grade high school or know someone who does
K4: Is for those who are of age with those who go to 2nd grade high school or know someone who does
K5: Is for those who are of age with those who go to 3rd grade high school or know someone who does

Regardless of where you have confirmed before or what background you have, these Ks are open to all young people who want it.

Here is the registration link for the school year 2023/24:


We have our own youth services on Saturdays at 19:30 in the basement of IMI. Here we worship God together, get input and are challenged and equipped for what happens the rest of the week. After the meeting, there are various social events where we have fun together.

Info about when there are youth meetings can be found in IMI Church's calendar or on JOIN's Instagram: join_imiungdom.

Praise and Technical

JOIN Lovsang and JOIN Teknisk are two teams that meet on Tuesdays for exercises and gatherings. JOIN Worship meets from 18-21, and JOIN Technical meets 19-21. Both teams meet in IMI Church. These teams help to set up and facilitate JOIN G18 on Sundays.

The focus is on fellowship and having fun together, while developing the gifts God has given. If you have some musical abilities or think it's fun with technical things, this is fantastic to be involved in! Do you want more info or a non-binding conversation about how you can join? Get in touch at sigvart@imikirken.no

Tours, Events and IMPULS

Throughout the year, various events are held in JOIN such as Take-off, movie night, Christmas ball and summer party. Here there are wide open doors for anyone who wants to join. The focus is on community and having a good time together. 

In addition, we travel on autumn weekends and ski weekends, in addition to contributing during IMPULS and Open Heaven Youth Camp. 

IMI Student and Young Adults

We believe that God is raising up a generation in our country who will lay down their lives for God and worship Him, who long for genuine care and close fellowship, who are fearless and courageous, and who want to make a difference with their lives. We want to be part of that! To find out more about us or if you want to get connected to what's happening, get in touch at anders@imikirken.no. Here you can read about the different arenas where students and young adults meet in IMI. Also check out our facebook group for info.

House Churches

Maybe you're a little like us ?! Longing for a community, someone to belong to, good friends who are there when you need it and who make you laugh. Then the house church is right up your alley!

A house church is a place where we share faith and everyday life together. Here a small group of people gather in each other's homes typically one night a week.

Contact us at anders@imikirken.no to get connected!


Sundays at 6 pm there is a service in IMI Church! Here we meet to be with each other and with God. Good time is set aside for praise and worship, teaching, intercession and socializing. If you are new, you can contact the "Hi team" when you enter the doors of IMI Church. They can answer any questions you may have and help you into the community. Do not hesitate to get in touch, the "Hi team" will be happy to talk to you! 


After G18, "After Church" is arranged at KF-Skolen. We gather at the main entrance to IMI Church after the service and go up together. Dinner, coffee, tea, etc. are served here. You are most welcome to stop by for a bit of socializing, whether you have been here before or not. 

More information about after church is announced during G18 and in this Facebook group for students and young adults. Feel free to also contact the "Hi team" if you are at IMI for the first time, and they will help you connect or answer any questions you may have.

Trips and

We want our student community to be a community filled with joy and security, where there is always room for new people. Therefore, we regularly invite you to events and afterchurch gatherings. A weekend trip is also planned for the spring, where you are very welcome to join us. Contact us at anders@imikirken.no to find out about the next social happening!

We also participate in conferences and other events under the auspices of IMI. Some of this requires registration so you may want to follow the calendar.

ACTA Bible School / HLT Stavanger

The IMI Church also has its own Bible school and a theological institute.
Here we want to give people meetings with God and equip them to change this
world through the succession of Jesus. Check out their websites for more

ACTA IMI Church Bible School

HLT Stavanger https://hlt.no/stavanger/


IMI Church performs ecclesiastical actions through an agreement with the bishop in Stavanger.

If you would like to get married in IMI please contact us at hei@imikirken.no.


Where are you in life? Are you a passionate follower of Jesus? Or have you put it on the shelf a little bit? Maybe you experience most things going smoothly in life and that you have a lot to be grateful for? Or is "chaos" or "life crisis" more appropriate words for life now? Regardless, we believe that God wants to meet you where you are, give direction to your life and equip you to live the life he has created you to live. Here you can read about the different arenas that adults meet at in IMI. Note! Also check out under 'Courses and conferences' and 'Services'.

House Churches

The church is meant to function as a family. That is why we all need to be part of a smaller community. In the house churches we gather around the table, read the Bible together, talk about life, share stories, pray and celebrate what God does. Here we get help to live life as followers of Jesus in everyday life. House churches are the most important thing you can become a part of in IMI church. Here there is always room for one more at the table.

There are many different house churches around the Stavanger region. Contact us to join a house church.

IMI Guidance Center

IMI Church's Counselling Center is today one of the church's care services to its members and the city's residents. Here you can meet someone who wants to talk to you. Counselling helps to become aware of one's own feelings, thoughts, and behaviors through conversation. By being "mirrored" by another person, it can be easier to find good and possible solutions to difficult choices and situations in life.

Around 20 counsellors are currently attached to the center. Several of these have professional competence in relation to guidance, and all the counsellors have undergone or are undergoing training in IMI Church's competence course for counsellors.

The objectives are to meet the person who seeks help in such a way that the individual through conversation and intercession are brought to a clarified relationship with God, himself, and the people they live among. If it is deemed neccessary in the counselling situation, further referral is made to various treatment agencies.

The IMI Counselling Center also organizes several courses on communication, maturation, financial management, guidance and self-understanding. If you scroll a little further down you will find "courses and conferences" and more information about our offer. The calendar tells you when different courses are started.

Contact Anne Lunde if you want guidance or want to get to know the IMI Counselling Center better.

Prayer & Praise

Every Tuesday at 19-21 in the chapel. Here we seek God and his face together. Prayer for the sick at 20:30-21:30.

Light in the dark

Saturday night we have a bus - Light in the dark - which is out in the Stavanger city center to make God's goodness available to people here. The bus is a place where people can strike up a conversation, meet kindness and care, or receive intercession. Many have over the last several years made a choice to follow Jesus precisely in this bus! If you want to mean something to others, this is a superb place. Einar Martin Fevang leads this work, contact us hei@imikirken.no if you want to connect. 

Man Up

Man and Christian? Man and seeker? We invite you to a
fellowship for men, around being a man and a Christian in 2020.

Stay tuned to the calendar for the next event.

Goodness Stavanger

The first week of June each year is Goodness Stavanger. This is a week in which churches in the Stavanger area set aside afternoons and evenings to mean something good to other people. It can be practical goodness such as house painting, gardening, house washing, car washes and other care for people who need it. Registration for assignments and participants takes place on godhetstavanger.no.


IMI Church performs ecclesiastical actions through an agreement with the bishop in Stavanger.

If you would like to get married in IMI please contact us at hei@imikirken.no.


God doesn't retire anyone! In IMI Church, we have great faith in the effect of all generations standing together. We have several good adults who are part of the staff, volunteer in the office or get involved in our congregation in various areas. The combination of resources and life experiences creates continuity and security.

House Churches

House churches are the place where the congregation becomes family. Here you get help living life as a disciple of Jesus in your everyday life, where we gather around the table, read the Bible together, talk about last week's talk, pray, share stories, and celebrate what God does in and around us. House churches are the most important thing you can join in IMI Church. There is always a free chair here.

There are many different house churches around the Stavanger region. Please contact us to know how you can become a part of it at irene@imikirken.no. 

IMI Meeting

Every second Thursday we gather for sandwiches, singing and devotions at IMI from 12:00. Here you can come as you are and become part of our community. Below calendar at the top of the you will find an overview of the dates of the IMI meeting.

Courses and Conferences

We all need a little refill - both for spirit, body and soul. No need for stagnation, when life and God have so much to offer! Our conferences and courses have precisely this goal: that you should grow as a human being with all that it entails. We have courses that help you get to know yourself, others, and insight into the relationships between you, as well as courses on personal finances, faith, or to learn Norwegian. But we also have conferences where we set aside more time to be with God and other Christians!


Teleios is Greek and means whole/mature – and that is precisely the goal of the course: that we should make adults more mature and whole as human beings. The course is set up with plenary teaching and group work, where we practice the skills we learn. The course consists of the following three modules:

1. The greatest is love. This is the basic course in Teleios. Here you learn to build good relationships by showing each other attention by listening with warmth, respect and empathy.

2. Renewed mind – transformed life. This module will help you shed light how on you respond to everyday events in your life, where you get tools to sort thoughts, feelings and put words into this in encounters with others.

3. Tell the truth in love. This module is about the tougher part of communication - confronting each other in love. Builds on the skills we have learned in the basic course.

Under calendar you get more info, registration and the date for starting the next course. For more information, contact anne.lunde@imikirken.no


Is there anything more than this life I live now? Why do I not feel loved? What exactly is the meaning of life? Why do I find that life can seem hopeless at times? 

Alpha are gatherings where you as a participant can explore the meaning of life and faith in God—along with others. Each gathering has an engaging input on video, and we set up conversations about faith that are meant to inspire you.

Here it is allowed to come just as you are, regardless of what faith you already have. We want to hear your story and your experiences, where no questions or opinions are too provocative. Are you curious? What do you have to lose?!

Millions around the world have already attended an Alpha course and recently the course has become available online. We have very good experiences with this and will therefore invite you to join! Maybe you also want to bring friends, colleagues, neighbors and acquaintances?

Register your interest here: https://www.imikirken.no/alpha

Ready for marriage?

IMI Church is setting up courses for couples planning to get married. The course runs over five evenings and is designed to help couples gain a stronger foundation for lasting marriage. The course covers the following topics: Expressing feelings and learning to listen, the importance of commitment and commitment, conflict resolution, talking about goals and values, keeping love alive and developing a satisfactory sexual relationship. We believe that this type of course will be of great importance to the individual couple, and we want a course form that is both relevant and provides maximum benefit.

Under calendar you get more info, registration and the date for starting the next course. For more information, contact anne.lunde@imikirken.no

Marriage course

This is a course for all couples who have a common mailbox and who want to get to know each other better and strengthen the bonds between them. The starting point is that good cohabitation can be even better. Everyday life can often be so hectic for many that one can be in danger of forgetting each other for periods, in addition to the fact that each couple consists of two units with different needs, history and values.

The course consists of 7 evenings with food, teaching and time for you as a couple to talk together about the relevant topics. The teaching will be about the following topics: Building a strong foundation, the art of communicating, conflict management, the meaning of forgiveness, the relationship with parents and in-laws, a good sex life and love in practice.

Under calendar you get more info, registration and the date for starting the next course. For more information, contact anne.lunde@imikirken.no

Active Options

Active Selection is a course in everyday finances where you will learn how to set up a budget according to your own priorities, put the money in a system that gives you full control, plan your future while enjoying life today! The course is free, and under the calendar you get more info, registration and the date for starting the next course. 

Language School

Welcome to IMI Language school which has 100 study places divided into three levels. With over 25 teachers you get personal follow-up and help to use all the Norwegian words you can and which you are going to learn. New courses starts on the first Monday of September/February and is often fully booked 1-3 months before start-up. Under the calendar, you'll get more info, enrollment, and the date for starting the next course.

IMI Language School accepts 100 students at 3 levels. Our staff of more than 25 teachers helps you improve your skills in speaking and writing Norwegian. The courses start at the beginning of February and at the beginning of September. We are often fully booked 2-3 month before, so apply early! You'll find the dates and registration for this course on calendar.

Almost a member?

These are non-committal membership gatherings for anyone curious about becoming a member of IMI Church. Here you will learn more about who IMI is and what it means to become a member. There is some food to be had, you will have the opportunity to talk to one of the congregation leaders - and if you want, you can become a member! 

Under calendar you get more info, registration and date for starting the next collection. For more information, contact hei@imikirken.no

Myers Briggs Type Understanding

Myers Briggs is one of the world's most widely used personality tests and is based on more than 50 years of research. The personality test involves an opportunity for greater self-insight and a deeper understanding in relationships with others.

Under calendar you get more info, registration and date for starting the next course. For more information, contact anne.lunde@imikirken.no

Open Heaven

Open Heaven is held in January and September, as well as as a summer festival in Grimstad in week 30 (late July). Here we come together as God's family and maintain a strong focus on seeking God's presence and seeing the kingdom of His kingdom impact among us, combined with a clear focus on living missionally as people and congregations. For all generations, regardless of church background or affiliation. For more information, info and registration, check out the website: åpenhimmel.no


Impuls is a youth conference for teenagers throughout Norway. It is held in Stavanger and Trondheim. Here we come together to celebrate and worship God, and all that He is and does! Many people, praise with impact, good teaching, new friends and a lot of fun. For more information about registration, see more here: impulsweb.no

Do you like talking with people?

Do you want to be a conversation partner? This course is a competence course for mentors.

Our good counsellors stand ready to pass on their knowledge and walk with you as you learn. Our goal is for you as a counsellor to be able to help others have a good relationship with God, themselves, and other people.

The IMI Guidance Center offers a course package consisting of various courses in guidance and pastoral care, as well as inspirational collections. Here you learn to meet people and to be honest in life. Eventually you will also have the opportunity to go with experienced mentors and learn from them. We offer a training arena for those who want to become a better counsellor and conversation partner.

The entire course package extends over two years, but it is entirely possible to participate in parts of the package.

You will receive an overview of professional literature that you are expected to read during the course.

For more information, contact the IMI Guidance Center at Anne Lunde: anne.lunde@imikirken.no

Church Services

Worship service
at 11:00am (G11)

Every Sunday the entire congregation gathers for worship
at 11:00am. and 6:00pm. This is a highlight! At these services we want to
meet God together. That is why we spend a lot of time on praise, preaching and intercession.
At the same time, community is important, and you are encouraged to stop in the cafe again
afterwards. If you are new, you will have the opportunity to say hello to some of us, and get more
information on how to become part of IMI church.

The service at 11:00am (G11) starts together with a game, praise song, creative feature (film/drama) and conversation in groups for the whole family. When there is a baptism or communion, this gathering lasts somewhat longer. The children then go to their own Chili group while the adults continue the service upstairs. The children are divided into five different age groups distributed in different rooms.

There are prayer meetings in the Prayer House before G11 at 10:15 and before the G18 at 17:15.

Worship Service
at 18:00 (G18)

Sundays at 18:00 there is a service in IMI Church! Here we meet to be with each other and with God. Good time is set aside for praise and worship, teaching, intercession and socializing.

If you are new, you can contact the "Hi team" when you enter the doors of IMI Church. They can answer any questions you may have and help you into the community. Do not hesitate to get in touch, the "Hi team" will be happy to talk to you! 

Both services are for all generations, but at G11 there are also separate gatherings in different groups for children from 0-14 years. At G18, there is a separate gathering for young people (middle school and high school).

There are prayer meetings in the Prayer House before G11 at 10:15 and before the G18 at 17:15. 

Prayer and Worship

This is an important value for us! We believe that God is close and that He wants to meet us. Therefore, we will worship him and give him our attention. This is reflected in a lot of of what we do, both in values and how we spend our time.

Tuesdays at 19-21, you are invited to an informal gathering in the chapel with people who want to worship God and be close to Him. Here, a praise band leads us in praise, we share stories about what God has done among us and we encourage each other in faith. (Check any exceptions under calendar at the top of the page).

In addition, we have prayer and worship every Tuesday morning from 8:00-8:45 in the chapel in IMI, and we have a prayer quarter Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays (w/ communion) 12:15-12-30. We also have prayer meetings in the Prayer House before G11 at 10.15 and before the G18 at 17.15. 

The Healing Room

The Prayer House

In September 2016, we opened a prayer house that is open as long as there are people at IMI. It is the first room on the right when entering the side entrance. Woships music is played here around the clock, and by the way it is quiet. We want to make sure that you can have a good place to be with God, undisturbed!

Baptism, wedding, funeral

IMI Church performs church activities through an agreement with the bishop in Stavanger. Read more about baptism during children 0-6 years and confirmation during youth. If you would like to get married in IMI or have a funeral in IMI, please contact us at hei@imikirken.no.

 IMI Tananger: fellowship of children and adults who are passionate about making God's goodness available in Tananger. You can find IMI Tananger at Bethany Prayer House. For more info, contact Halvor Lindal: halvor@imikirken.no, or call 404 08 144.
Betania Bedehus, Båtstadvegen 2, 4056 Tananger


IMI Tananger has several cell groups for women and men who meet in their homes in Tananger. In addition, we have smaller communities called house churches, where groups of individuals, couples and families, preferably 15-20 in each, meet regularly to share food, life, and faith together.

We celebrate worship service together twice a month at 11:00 at the prayer house Betania in Tananger. There are also three age groups for the children. After the services, we invite everyone to a simple Sunday café – arranged by our oldest kids, PULS.

 IMI Tananger hosts prayer and worship gatherings, called "Heart Room", three times a year at the prayer house. Twice a semester we invite to themed evenings at the house where strong life stories are shared under the title "My Life – When Life Turned."

From time to time we invite our village out for a trip, where we bring lunch and go on a Sunday walk in the surrounding area, and the children get a great sunday school gathering.


We want to give the children the best we have. We know that children have a great capacity to both understand, receive and pass on— often greater than we think. We do not believe that there is a mini-version of faith, God, and the Holy Spirit for children—but that God is the same, regardless of age. He meets the children on their terms, and so will we. Here you can read about the various arenas that are adapted to the children in this age group.

We celebrate worship service together twice a month at 11:00 at the prayer house Betania in Tananger. There are also three age groups for the children:

Blue group: 3-5 years
Red group: 1st-4th grade
Puls Group: 5th grade and up 

Children from 2nd grade and up have their own "Squad Community" in IMI Tananger. Here we meet on a Friday night of the month in the various homes, for play, devotions and snacks. Every Thursday we invite those who go in Squad from 7th grade and up to PULS-band at the prayer house, where they rehearse various worship songs, including for use in the service.


IMI Tananger arranges and contributes to events such as HalloVenn, Children's Sports Day, Children's Day etc. in Tananger. One week every summer we arrange the Goodness Week in Tananger, where every afternoon we help someone who needs it especially with practical services such as gardening, house painting, renovations etc. We have our own goodness concept that the kids take part in, where they meet to bake and make cards, and with which we bless residents of nursing and care centers.

IMI Collective: A community that will lead people to Jesus and into a life with him. Gatherings take place in house churches and in the Salvation Army in central Oslo. See more at imikollektivet.no