About Us

We want to make valuable people conscious followers of Jesus Christ.

Who are we?

IMI has been based in Stavanger for 150 years, first as Stavanger Indremisjon, and later as the congregation IMI Kirken which is affiliated with Normisjon and the Norwegian church.  

Everything we do springs from the congregation at Tjensvoll in Stavanger. Here we meet for services on Sundays, and the rest of the week we meet in house churches in all municipalities on Nord-Jæren. In IMI Church you will find activities for children, young people, students and adults. Feel free to follow us on Facebook for more information.

We have planted five congregations in Tananger, Sandnes, Arendal and Oslo. Under Life in the Church you will find more information about these church plantings.

We are committed to passing on what God has given us! This is reflected in a worldwide missionary commitment. On our blog you will find good stories about life that goes out of the house.

Are you wondering about becoming a member with us? Then you are welcome to a non-binding gathering where you get good information and the opportunity to ask your questions. Get in touch and you will receive an invitation from us!

You can read more about IMI Church's foundation of faith here.

The Transparency Act

By-laws for IMI Church

Our Values

God's presence

God's presence -
We believe that God is alive and actively present in our world and that we can meet Him and know Him. That is why we value worship, the word of God and prayer.

God's family

God's family -
We believe that the church is meant to be more than an organization.  The Bible describes the community of Christians as brothers and sisters - a family. Therefore, house churches, honest lives and generosity towards each other are important to us.

God's goodness

God's goodness -
We believe that the congregation has a calling to convey to the rest of the world that God is good and wants them well. Therefore, we value practical goodness, the power of God visible through signs and wonders, and the communication of the gospel with words.

Frequently Asked Questions

What sets IMI Church apart from other churches?

We are a low-denominational congregation and our services bear the stamp of modern praise, preaching and intercession, and are more free and less solemn in form compared to other more high-denominational traditions. IMI Church is part of Normisjon and the Church of Norway, but is not part of the Church of Norway's formal structure. We share the basis of faith with other Lutheran churches and join the Lausanne Pact .

In IMI Church, we work based on three values, which you can read more about here on the About us page.

Is IMI Church a charismatic church?

In the Bible we read in the Acts of the Apostles that the Holy Spirit comes upon the first Christians and we believe that the Holy Spirit wants to be active in everyone who believes in Jesus. We believe that the Holy Spirit is present in the church even today and that he equips us to live our lives in relationship with God and in the service of the church and the world. That the Holy Spirit is alive and present among Christians even today means that it is possible to experience his presence in different ways, both as a community and as individuals. All Christians are encouraged in the Bible to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

The term charismatic comes from the Greek word charismata, which means gift of grace. We believe that all Christians have received graces, a special gifting from the Holy Spirit, which is intended to build up and serve the Christian community. In the congregation, we therefore want to make arrangements for everyone to be able to use their gifting.

We want to be a place where we seek the Holy Spirit together and expect him to meet us. This is expressed, among other things, by the fact that we spend time in church services and other gatherings listening for God's appeal to us through prophetic words and praying for healing for people who want it. We believe that God, by his Holy Spirit, wants to meet people, both those who believe and those who do not believe, with his grace and love.

Does IMI Church carry out missions abroad?

It is in the church's DNA to tell others about Jesus and to preach the good news that God's kingdom has come near. We want to contribute to making Jesus known both in our local area and abroad.

Since 2005, IMI Church has been engaged in missionary work in Asia, mainly in Cambodia and Thailand. We work closely with local Christians and focus on equipping and building up the local churches so that they are able to reach the people around them.

Our missionary work is linked to the congregational network Agenda 1 which works to equip congregations all over the world with the help of missional learning communities. Today there are congregations from 20 countries associated with Agenda 1. Read more about Agenda 1 here: www.agenda1.no

Does IMI Church run schools?

IMI Church is the proud owner and partner in several schools. We believe that schooling is important and want to contribute to equipping and educating children, young people and adults who have a secure Christian identity.

The KF school is a Christian primary school with room for 364 pupils. The school's values are quality, creativity, goodness, forgiveness and truth. In autumn 2021, the school moved into a great new school building in Tjensvoll.

Read more about KF school here: www.kfskolen.no

Acta Bible School was started in 1992 and offers young people and adults a formative school year where personal faith, growth and equipping are in focus. Read more about Acta Bible School here: www.actabibelskole.no

HLT Stavanger is a collaboration between the University of Management and Theology and IMI church. At HLT Stavanger, students can take a one-year course in Mission and church where we want to equip them for service in church and society. Read more about HLT Stavanger here: www.hlt.no/stavanger

What can I do to get to know the congregation better?

We warmly welcome all people who want to become part of the congregation, regardless of age, faith and life situation! There is room for you here!

A good way to get to know us is to attend church services and to join a house church. After the services, the Hei team is ready to welcome you and can tell you about what is happening in the congregation.

You can also read more about our offers for different age groups on the websites under Life in the church and in the calendar. You can find more information about house churches here .

Who can become an employee in IMI Church?

In IMI Church, we have many skilled employees who contribute in various ways. We welcome everyone who thinks of IMI Church as their congregation to contribute!  

All people are equipped with abilities and gifts that they can contribute to the congregation, and we want everyone to be able to contribute based on their strength and equipment. In the congregation, there are many different areas where you can contribute, including office work, work for children and young people, praise and music, technical, intercessory prayer and much more. If you would like to connect to contribute, you can fill in the form here .

In IMI Church, women and men have equal access to all tasks, offices and positions.

How can I become a member of IMI Church?

If you think that IMI Church is your congregation, you are welcome to become a member. To become a member, you must attend a short membership course where you will hear more about the congregation, what it means to be a member and where you will have the opportunity to ask questions and talk to someone in the staff.

Check the calendar to find registration for the next membership course or contact us at hei@imikirken.no


Contact someone on the staff

Egil Elling Ellingsen
Geir Loftesnes
Hanne Therese Loftesnes
Martin Cave
Anette Havnerås
Administrative Manager
Øistein Øvergaard
Praise and Music
Eirin Sørheim
Sigvart Smith Miles
Irene Cave
Irene Cave
House Churches
Anne Lunde
Prayer, Guidance
Terje Høyland
Liv Eva Breivik Vestre
Office Secretary
Frida Kristin Hebnes
Finance, fixed giver

Derrick Shipley
International Pastor

Contact Us

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Sunday Services

11:00 / 18:00 See the full calendar


Gunnar Warebergs gate 15
4021 Stavanger